Not like any other distro i’ve known, Ubuntu using uid and gid start from 1000 rather than 500 such as on klixs, fedora, mageia and any other else, even mac osx lion. This could be problematic if you were dual booting or using many sftp transfering files on network between them, because you had to […]
Read MorePosts in category Linux
from grub2 mbr to partition
for chainloading with klixs, grub2 must install on the partition, not mbr, thus we can chainloading it within klixs grub bootloader. if you already install ubuntu on mbr, here is how to so it will install on partition : boot into ubuntu installation, and {code}grub-setup –force /dev/sdaxx warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition […]
Read Morereducing boot time with e4rat
As you may see on my about page, I’m using axioo notebook NL model with 1.8Ghz core duo and 3Gb RAM for everyday use. Pretty an old spec and as time goes by, software are getting more resource hungry and bloated. Using KDE4 as my main os, the boot time process is really pain in […]
Read Morenet_applet route fix
Just compiled new kernel 3.1.1 last weekend for i586 arch and works perfectly on my axioo notebook. All hardware working as I expected and stable enough since I already use it for 4 days without any fuss. Suspend and hibernate also perfectly running well and can wake up ethernet and my iwl-5100 without difficulties. Also, the intel […]
Read Moreangry birds on klixs
Angry Birds as you may already knew, had surely created an amazing buzz in the cyber world. In 2010, there were more than 12 million downloads, and this shows it all. Many friends ask me about this game possibility to run on linux. Googling for a moment and found the source, run under wine and […]
Read Moreusing dnsmasq
Every time we open some website, the system need to look up the site’s IP address using the domain name of the website. The request for this lookup is eventually passed to a DNS server somewhere. We usually use our own internet provider DNS such 202.134.1.xx as for telkom speedy , or we could use […]
Read MoreDDoS, Ping Flood, smurf, fraggle, SYN Flood, teardrop attacks …
This evening I need to change some NAT rules on my home router and before applying the setting I take a look on the log and got surprise with a bunch of DoS, SYN flood and Ping Flood captured into my log router. Apparently I forgot to turn off the icmp service on this one, […]
Read Morecloning to another hdd
Just bought a brand new esax dano 500 for my notebook and need to clone my old system on 120Gb seagate into this 500Gb samsung hdd. I’d be lyin if I said that I need more space from my old tiny 120Gb hdd for my srpms. no. I have a plenty 40Gb of free space […]
Read Morelancelot launcher problem
I like the Lancelot Application Launcher Menu and been using it as my default KDE4 workspace Menu since KDE4.4. Powerful enough as a quick access to applications, places, documents, contacts, and system information. Not quite remember when the problem begin, but I think since KDE 4.6.1 this launcher gives me two issues, which are the […]
Read Morequicksynergy
I’ve been using synergy for a long time for accessing my notebook when I work on my desktop workstation at home. Be back from the office and reach my home desktop workstation, usualy I put the notebook on the desk besides me, and for not back in forth moving my hand between my mouse and […]
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