One of the most common programs on Linux systems for packaging files is the venerable tar. tar is short for tape archive, and originally, it would archive your files to a tape device. Now, you’re more likely to use a file to make your archive. To use a tarfile, use the command-line option -f . […]
Read MorePosts in category Linux
QTCurve GTK themes under kde4
Been compiling kde 4.5.0 and all kde4-config for klixs were broken, especially smoothtask and gtk themes. Also the device notifier plasma applet now bork the system tray and needs some treatment … there will be a busy week to fix this. Here is the solution to bring back gtk theme under KDE4 manualy, I’ll try […]
Read Morememcache on lenny
The basic principal with any dynamic site to speed up is to reduce the load on the site or in technical words reduce HTTP requests every elements on the web page generates a HTTP request and this HTTP request hits the web server. This could be the front end optimization, the eficiency of the php […]
Read Moreinternal microphone not recognized
Having some problem with your soundcard channel that not recognized by KDE4 mixer, such as internal microphone channel or some LFE subwoofer channel ? Here is some tips that might fix some unknown or un-pickup channels from your soundcard. First thing you must know before continuing is the sound card driver name that your system […]
Read MoreGoogle earth blank
For some unknown reason the google earth for linux on mine not showing any image after the last update. It just shows a blank white box. I maybe mistaken, and not trying on other vgacard, but I think this should only take effects on non 3D driver vga card only. Maybe this related to libGL […]
Read Moremysqldump skip-lock-tables
During dump the database for backups this morning, I face some LOCK TABLES annoying problem. Dealt with this before but nothing came up from memory. {code}[root@www tempbup]# mysqldump -uroot -p axioo9 > axioo9.sql Enter password: mysqldump: Got error: 29: File ‘./axioo9/traveler_comprofiler_lists.MYD’ not found (Errcode: 24) when using LOCK TABLES {/code} At first I thought this […]
Read MoreAutologin as root on konsole
Many friends on car pc forum ask how to perform auto login for their Linux box in console mode. I never solve it until this day during packaging mingetty for klixs and read the man page. Ooh boy, it’s already there for so long and never realize it can be solve using mingetty. Let’s get […]
Read Moremd5sum checker gui
Why should I care about checksums? Unfortunately, the Internet can be a nasty place. There are several people that would love to do harm to your computer. This is where checksums come into the picture. If the computed checksum for a downloaded file does not match the one posted by the original author of the […]
Read Moreagere softmodem 11c11040 again
I’ve build a new for klixs and the old agere softmodem cannot compile completely. Here is the new steps to make it work under 2.6.32 and 2.6.33 on klixs : Get the source from here or here and extract them to some location. Go into the folder and run make : [root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# make […]
Read MoreOffice 2007 using PlayOnLinux
Here is some how to install Office 2007 using PlayOnLinux : First you need to install playonlinux from the repositories. Once it is installed, run it and it will update itself, install Microsoft fonts, the Gecko engine etc. Just click “yes” to everything. Prepare your MS Office 2007 installation disk. You can burn it or […]
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