for chainloading with klixs, grub2 must install on the partition, not mbr, thus we can chainloading it within klixs grub bootloader.
if you already install ubuntu on mbr, here is how to so it will install on partition :
boot into ubuntu installation, and
{code}grub-setup –force /dev/sdaxx
warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea..
Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged.{/code}
{code}grub-install /dev/sdaxx
warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea..
Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged..{/code}
DAMN you buntut ! why you complicating simple thing ? just ignore the warning.
now, chroot to klixs installation and bring back klixs grub to mbr :
{code}mount /dev/sdaxx /mnt/pub
chroot /mnt/pub
grub-install /dev/sda{/code}
edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst and add this line :
{code}title GRUB2-chainloading
root (hd0,xx)
chainloader +1{/code}
save it, exit from chroot, and reboot.