I’ve built many owncloud server on various distributions and never had major problem except for the php compatibility issue that needs php-5.3.3 since 4.xx version. This time when installing 4.0.7 version on debian squeeze 6.5.0, I face some weird problems when uploading large files from its web interface. I can upload small jpeg files normally, but when it comes to mp3 or any other filetypes bigger than 1Mb, the upload progress bar shows complete, but the little wait icon keep spinning and it will never end. When I navigate away then back to the file list, the file is not there. This issue is the same across Firefox, Chrome, even Konqueror and android webDAV client.
Tried many things from upload_max_filesize, post_max_size php.ini tweaks, nothing works. … that naughty little wait symbol keeps spinning 😀 Spend almost an hour to find the culprits, and finally there’s light at the end of tunnel … dat HTTP request length exceeds MaxRequestLen !
On apache using mod_fcgid module the default fcgidMaxRequestLen is 131072 based from this, which is very small. The connection drop out and throw internal server error once this limit is reached. I need to increase this fcgidMaxRequestLen value.
On squeeze, I edit the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add this line near at the end :
{code}<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
MaxRequestLen 20000000000
Restart the apache server, test with uploading 2Mb file size and it works good.
If you were using virtual domain manager, you may add that code onto the corresponding virtual domain config only, so that setting will stay intact within the domain only.