I usually doing repo sync cm gerrit on my server (which on debian squeeze) and build there via ssh, and never had a single problem whatsoever. Today, I have to move to other house and sleep there for several days and i want to build grouper branch from cm-10.1-MR1 on my notebook (no laugh please) since i’m not to satisfied with my last build. Further, i also want to try including this patch internally to increase the jvm performance on my nexus 7. Unquestionable, have to do repo sync again on my notebook, quickly init the environment and do a repo sync … but everytime i begin to sync, there are some nagging error message :
{code}WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn’t connect to: /tmp/keyring pkcs11: No such file or directory{/code}
Cancel the progress and investigate the problem, … checking my gpg key using seahorse and kgpg, it returns valid and i can do sync to my local svn repo and even to launchpad repo … hmmm what’s wrong with this gnome-keyring key? After a long long time narrowing the problem, suddenly i check the gnome-keyring-pkcs11 module wheather is loaded on memory or not using ps aux. Dang !!! yes !!! it isn’t loaded on memory for some reason. In short, it turns out the gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so module isn’t loaded because I’m on KDE desktop, and that’s why it doesn’t throws errors on my debian server.
For you experience the same problem with me, here is the fix :
Edit the /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop :
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Certificate and Key Storage
Comment=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon –start –components=pkcs11
You may also add LXDE on the list if you’re using one, then save it and reboot. After reboot, the gnome-keyring-pkcs11 module was perfectly loaded without problem :
{code}(jfdesign@jfklixs-ubuntu64:~)$ ps aux | grep gnome-keyring
jfdesign 1967 0.0 0.1 378736 4240 ? Sl 09:43 0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon –daemonize –login
jfdesign 2789 0.0 0.0 56356 2216 ? S 09:44 0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon –start –foreground –components=secrets
jfdesign 6252 0.0 0.0 13584 940 pts/2 S+ 11:12 0:00 grep –color=auto gnome-keyring
Now i can repo sync without errors.