This netbook using newest Intel Atom processor N270 which has adapted very low voltage technology that can reduce the consumption of battery power. Using only 3 cells battery this subnotebok will last at least for 3 hours nonstop, and also very silent and cool remembering that there is no fan at all on the processor heatsink. Only a small ventilation outlet at the side and I never fell any heat dissipation from the body itself. The specs are commonly new from common notebook on the market. Using 945GME video card display, 1024×600 resolution LCD, RTL8101E LAN, RTL8187SE WLAN, Bluetooth, Sirius 1.3Mp webcam.
Remastering KLIXs was never easy as before except for the intel 945GME chipset that I have to use xorg 7.2.0 and kernel 2.6.22-17 to make it work and auto detecting the 1024×600 resolution automatically during xinit. The other problem was the r8101E for Ethernet adpater which cannot load the r8169 module on kernel 2.6.24-4, and I have to use kernel 2.6.22-17 to make it work. Somehow it needs this patch for kernel 2.6.24-4, but as long as the 3d desktop were running perfectly and the r8101e can load perfectly on kernel 2.6.22-17 so why bother using the pre-testing new kernel 2.6.24-4 ?
WLAN RTL8187SE needs an ndiswrapper to work and I’m not satisfied with this, I’m still searching the real drivers, since it is too picky with Access Point in the end. SMC and Linksys were fine but not with DLink AP.
The rest of it this is a good subnotebook for everyday office use which is focusing on user with highly mobile internet capability. This newest processor form Intel although it still using single core but dual thread known as Hyper Threading technology, on this netbook was perform the very best especially for the speed and heat efficiency.
WLAN RTL8187SE needs an ndiswrapper to work and I’m not satisfied with this, I’m still searching the real drivers, since it is too picky with Access Point in the end. SMC and Linksys were fine but not with DLink AP.
The rest of it this is a good subnotebook for everyday office use which is focusing on user with highly mobile internet capability. This newest processor form Intel although it still using single core but dual thread known as Hyper Threading technology, on this netbook was perform the very best especially for the speed and heat efficiency.