I’ve build a new for klixs and the old agere softmodem cannot compile completely.
Here is the new steps to make it work under 2.6.32 and 2.6.33 on klixs :
Get the source from here or here and extract them to some location.
Go into the folder and run make :
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# make
make -C /lib/modules/ M=/usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-devel-’
CC [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrsoftmodem.o
/usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrsoftmodem.c: In function ‘x_linux_dbg_print_crit’:
/usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrsoftmodem.c:358: warning: the frame size of 1540 bytes is larger than 1024 bytes
/usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrsoftmodem.c: In function ‘x_linux_dbg_print’:
/usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrsoftmodem.c:346: warning: the frame size of 1540 bytes is larger than 1024 bytes
SHIPPED /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrmodemlib.o
CC [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/HDA.o
CC [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/serial26.o
LD [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrmodem.o
LD [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrserial.o
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 2 modules
WARNING: could not find /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/.agrmodemlib.o.cmd for /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrmodemlib.o
CC /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrmodem.mod.o
LD [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrmodem.ko
CC /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrserial.mod.o
LD [M] /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrserial.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-devel-’
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]#
and install the modules :
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# make modules_install
make -C /lib/modules/ M=/usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225 modules_install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-devel-’
INSTALL /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrmodem.ko
INSTALL /usr/src/agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225/agrserial.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-devel-’
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]#
now load the modules :
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# insmod agrmodem.ko
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# insmod agrserial.ko
and create the modem symlink :
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# ln -s /dev/tty
tty tty14 tty20 tty27 tty33 tty4 tty46 tty52 tty59 tty8
tty0 tty15 tty21 tty28 tty34 tty40 tty47 tty53 tty6 tty9
tty1 tty16 tty22 tty29 tty35 tty41 tty48 tty54 tty60 ttyAGS3
tty10 tty17 tty23 tty3 tty36 tty42 tty49 tty55 tty61 ttyS0
tty11 tty18 tty24 tty30 tty37 tty43 tty5 tty56 tty62 ttyS1
tty12 tty19 tty25 tty31 tty38 tty44 tty50 tty57 tty63 ttyS2
tty13 tty2 tty26 tty32 tty39 tty45 tty51 tty58 tty7 ttyS3
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]# ln -s /dev/ttyAGS3 /dev/modem
[root@localhost agrsm-11c11040-2.1.80~20091225]#
Create the agere modem dialer using KPPP and point to default /dev/modem and query them before dialing. You should see something like this :
Fill it in the internet provider account data and they should connected without problem :
Have fun and good luck. 😀
This is 2010 and people keep demanding a dial up modem drivers for connecting to the internet ? arrrggghhh!@#@!#