Found some nifty application that can auto adjust the monitor color temperature during night work, so it won’t harm our eyes and help us a better sleep. Here is the background :
Sunlight is very white, but artificial lighting tends to be more red. As such, if you read something on a piece of paper it will look white to your eyes during the day and reddish at night.
You don’t notice this because your brain automatically balances the difference. Your computer monitor, being backlit, is constantly white. Because of this, looking at your computer at night can hurt your eyes and cause you to lose sleep. F.lux helps offset this.
Here is F.lux main site for a better explanation on the application capability.
Installation on KLIXs was pretty easy and straight forward :
- Download the linux version from here.
- Extract them with : tar -xvzf xflux.tgz
- Copy them to /usr/bin : cp xflux /usr/bin
- Execute them with : xflux -l <latitude>, <longitude>
To find the latitude and longitude go here.
So for the example if you’re in Surabaya that would be :
{code} xflux -l -7.289166, 112.73439 {/code}
Below is not my room, just try to show you the redshift effects to your monitor, above are on xflux and the notebook below isn’t.
Have fun, have a nice nightly build and have a nice sleep.